Leadership Coach • Team Facilitator • YPO Forum Trainer

"Eva is excellent!!! She is a loving trainer experienced and human"


From Bedroom to Boardroom
Where Marriage and Corporate Lifecycles Meet
Eva is a certified teacher of the Enneagram

What's Your Leadership Style?

What Hats do you Wear?

YPO Forum "Esprit de Corps"

Teamwork and Beyond

From Bedroom to Boardroom

Retreat Planning and Facilitation

Eva adds spark to her lectures and workshops by incorporating stories and anecdotes from her diverse background. To make her forum workshops highly engaging, she uses a variety of experiential tools such as simulations and energizers. Clients report that Eva is a "dynamic speaker" and an "excellent leader and teacher."

"My uncle believed that marriage and a career don't mix, so when he got married, he stopped working!" 

Objectives: Every system goes through a lifecycle. Like corporations, couples move through a lifecycle process whereby they are faced with problems to solve, opportunities to celebrate, and challenges to overcome. This workshop describes and draws upon parallels from a corporate lifecycle model while providing participants with an understanding of the marriage lifecycle and its transition points. It enables participants to gain greater insights into their own corporate and marital strengths, opportunities, and challenges.

"In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker."

Woody Allen

Executive Summary: A number of people can discuss corporate lifecycles. An even greater number can speak eloquently about marital phases and transitions. But few  people have taken a closer look at the parallels and  interactions between corporate and marital lifecycles. Dr. Amir Kfir and Dr. Eva Kedar do just that in this highly engaging and experiential retreat. Couples, like corporations, move through a lifecycle process as they face a variety of issues. Frequently, a couple is engaged in their own “marriage lifecycle” while simultaneously involved in a corporate lifecycle process (or two). How a couple handles these experiences and this process helps to determine the potential for success or failure of the marriage and their business. This workshop will provide you with an understanding of the nature of these lifecycles and will help you to differentiate between typical and atypical experiences. While this is not a therapy session, the retreat will provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the phases of your own business and marriage gain insights into strengths and challenges, build intimacy with your partner, and develop a common plan to further enhance the growth of your business and/or marriage.


  • Marital relationships:
    Enhanced understanding of marital phases (where are you?) and what to expect within each phase (where might you be headed and what can you do about it?).
  • Renewed dialogue and commitment to grow the marriage.
  • Business:
    Greater awareness of corporate lifecycles and how to bring your company to its prime, as well as the impact on your marriage.

Time Frame: This program is ideal for 1-2 day forum, corporate teams, or couples' retreats. It also works well as a 3-4 hour workshop (YPO chapter and University education events or corporate training) as well as a 1-hour lecture.